Brighter Image Lab

Clip on veneers or Press on veneers are a less expensive way of refining the aesthetics of a smile. They give someone an improved appearance similar to what permanent dental veneers might do. They are specifically designed to improve the appearance of your smile caused by things such as slightly crooked, discolored, damaged or chipped and missing teeth.


Press-on-veneers do not need any preliminary works like filling down the teeth before being worn. This type of veneers are less demanding as opposed to the permanent ones.

Difference of Clip on Veneers vs Traditional Veneers

Unlike traditional dental veneers, temporary shiny smile dental veneers are easily maintained and are not invasive. The difference are:

  • There’s no drilling entailed
  • Removable Veneers are less costly as compared to permanent dental veneers
  • There’s no need for a dentist visit to acquire them 
  • They can be replaced if need be
  • They can be worn at one’s own leisure
  • You are not obliged to overspend as they are affordable for anyone

Eating with Clip-on-veneers

Eating while wearing temporary, press on veneers is possible though not advisable for some foods.  After a period of wearing them you will get used to the sensation.

Foods not to Eat with Temporary Veneers

Eating some foods poses a danger to your clip-on-veneers. Consequently, it’s prudent to avoid certain foods to ensure your temporary veneers are long lasting. If you have your veneers on, keeping away from food which would stain your teeth is best. Hot, hard and crunchy foods are a no go zone as well. Foods to be avoided when wearing your clip-on-veneers include:

  • Hard or very sticky sweets
  • Nuts
  • Raw very crispy or hard fruits and vegetables
  • Chewing gum
  • Tough meat (chicken, steak, ribs etc....)
  • Ice cubes (if you like crunching them)
  • Crunchy and hard foods generally

You should also keep your natural teeth clean, i.e. by regular brushing.

Removable Veneers USA offers quality clip on veneers that are affordable and are designed to bring 99% of the benefits of a permanent dental veneers to help you achieve a TruSmile. It’s therefore wise to choose a quality clip-on-veneers company to avoid any issues with your veneers.