If you’re like many people, you want a bright, white smile that you aren’t afraid to show off like a TruSmile!! One of the best ways to achieve this look is with permanent dentist-fitted veneers, which, unfortunately, can be quite expensive and aren’t an option for many people. That’s when it’s time to look at clip-on veneers, which are a low cost alternative that can help you get the smile you crave and they could also be a good medium-term solution if you are saving up for permanent veneers.
Here’s what you should know about them.
What Do They Help With?
Veneers can help a wide range of cosmetic issues, including gaps, staining, teeth that are not even and missing teeth.
Clip-in veneers don’t require any invasive oral surgery and can be custom made to match your dental profile and smile. If traditional permanent veneers are out of your price range, our clip on veneers from Removable Veneers USA are the obvious solution.
How Do Shiny Smile Veneers Work?
Traditional porcelain veneers are permanent and must be installed by a cosmetic dentist. Our veneer simply clip onto your natural teeth and are ideal for special occasions or photographs when you want to mask any imperfections in your regular smile. Simply snap them in and out as needed and you’ll always have the beautiful teeth you want.
Getting Started
The first step to getting your set of clip-on veneers is to have a mold taken of your mouth. Our licensed dental lab will use that mold to custom create your veneers based on your needs and the state of your current smile and existing teeth. Our products are made from a very thin material, so they aren’t bulky or uncomfortable and are sure to give you a Brighter Image!
Benefits of Veneers
One of the main benefits off our clip-on veneers is that they are cheaper than the traditional version. But they also have many other benefits. 95% people feel that when they have a straight, white smile, they feel better about themselves, which could improve someone’s self-esteem, or even how they are perceived at work and in their personal relationships; in which case, feeling and acting more confident and enjoying higher quality of life.
Affordable, low cost removable veneers are the clear cut solution to many of your smile issues. They’re easy to use and can transform your smile and your outlook on life. There’s no better time than right now to get started!!