Brighter Image Lab

What's involved in building great removable dental veneers for people who want new shiny smile veneers without invasive dental work or thousands of dollars of cost?


It really does take some coordination and planning. We’re very proud of the business that we've built up, delivering really high-quality dental veneers through a delivery process that's based on careful and specialized research. With these revolutionary products, you don’t have to actually build a whole new smile – you just pop your veneers in place, and you’re all set! But let’s talk a little bit about the process we have built to help our customers benefit from this kind of new technology for clip on veneers.


The Front End


Where we interact with customers is by offering a dedicated design consultant for every project. This is the point person who will work with our special customer to design that impression that will build the best new set of instasmile dental veneers.


These individuals understand the value of these products for uses like working in media, taking photos, and just generally being more confident about your smile. Lots of people have teeth that are less than perfectly even or sparkling white – and rather than struggle with these kinds of dental issues; they can get removable trusmile veneers that work to feel good about grinning every day.


The Back End


In our design offices, where we produce these dental clip on veneers, we have licensed dental professionals working on helping you to perfect your smile.


That's important because the specialization means you can rely on products that are put together by people who understand how teeth work. It's not just some random individual building off of your impression model, generating some 3D results, and shipping them to you in hopes of a brighter image. If that were the case, you might worry about getting veneers that look clunky, uneven, or just inferior in quality.


In fact, that's important to talk about because quality matters in this business. If our customers are paying a few hundred dollars for dental veneers, they want excellent products they can use over time and get a lot of value out of. If what they receive is kind of a generic or mediocre result, they’re really going to feel that they were not well served.


We understand that, and that's why we dedicate ourselves to this process to having professionals on the front end and the back end in order to help you design the perfect smile. Check out the website for more on how this works. You can get a better smile right now!